Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Catrice Nude Eyeshadow Palette

Hi Dolls...

So for my first review I'm going to review the absolutely gorgeous Catrice Nude Palette. I have always been an absolute addict for neutral eyeshadow.

When I found this beautiful palette at Dischem for only R64.95, I knew I needed to have it! Well to give the addict in me, its fix!

The colours are highly pigmented and blend really well. The colours range from a light peach to a rich brown. They have a beautiful sparkle to them which I just adore!

If you are like me and you can't resist a beautiful nude palette, then this is definitely the one for you!

Love Shalane

P.s Please let me know which product you would like me to review and I will gladly review it for you!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Learning to live your dreams

Fairy Godmother's Guide to getting what you want by Donna McCallum.

I'm all for following your dreams, so when I came across this book last year, I knew I had to have it. Donna McCallum aka the Fairy Godmother takes you on journey of self-discovery. I know it might sound cliché and like all the other self-help books out there, but I promise you it isn't. The fairy godmother makes you want to be creative and sprinkle fairy dust on everything. She makes you want to make your dreams come true!

What I loved about the book is that she shares her own experiences with and makes you feel like you were with her looking over her shoulder. It also felt like she was talking directly to you, like you are the only the book was written for.

Here are some of the things I learnt from reading the book: (well for the 3rd time)
Responsibility – We, as human beings need to take responsibility for our actions. Realising that you created the situation that you are in now, no one else. Take ownership of your own life.

Manifestation - Learning to work with the body, mind and soul, how each one works hand in hand with each other.

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~ Albert Einstein

Ego – The Fairy Godmother shows you how to picture the "little monsters" in our head that can cause us to either over achieve, be jealous, be cynical on ourselves or even be arrogant. She teaches you how to "call the monsters out of the cupboard" and handle them so that they do not take over our life.

Dream Mapping – This is my favourite part of the book, because it lets me get creative and lets me dream about what I want to create for my future. The Fairy Godmother gets you to create an A3 board full of pictures and fun containing all your dreams, even your wildest most unimaginable dreams.

While reading this book, I felt like I was on this deserted little road going nowhere. I wanted to do so many things with my life, but I couldn't find the drive and determination to do any of them. This book brought me face to face with my obstacles and made me take a hard look at what I was doing wrong and what I need to do, to achieve my dreams.

I created my dream map and started on my journey to creating the life that I want. I would say that I am 60% of the way there. It hasn't been easy and has taken a lot of work, but I am now determined and slowly making my way there.
I have also realised that life may throw you obstacles that will make you think that you can't achieve your dreams, but with the help of this book and our own courage and determination we can achieve anything. All it takes is one step at a time.
Go do yourself a favour and get this book. It will change your life. It has definitely changed mine for the better.
For more information on the Fairy Godmother you can log onto her website, or follow her on Twitter and Facebook. She also holds regular seminars and webinars.

Love Shalane