Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!

Let us say goodbye to 2013 and hello to a bright 2014! Time to say goodbye to the struggles and hardships that we may have faced in the past year and hello to a year of light and joy.

My wish for all of you this year is a year filled with laughter (lots of it), happiness and love. I hope that all your dreams come true and that you reach you goals.

I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because by the 2nd week, we have probably broken all of them. So I rather make a dream map for my year ahead. I do this every year and follow the advise of our very own Fairy Godmother. I enjoy the feeling of letting my creative juices flow by cutting and pasting, to create my dream map. It includes dreams and goals I have for the year. No matter how big or small.

It also includes a WIG – Wildly Improbable Goal. It’s a goal that is 50 % possible and 50 % impossible for you to achieve. It must light you up, get you excited and make you nervous at the same time. It will make you feel like you have butterflies in you tummy, make you feel like you couldn’t possibly do that, but you know what? YOU CAN DO IT!! No matter what that inner voice tells you!

I will post a picture of my completed dream map, so I can share with you all my goals and dreams for the year.

Here is an Irish Blessing for you that resonated deep within me:

Lots of Love


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